Zanetis, Jan. (2010). The Beginner's guide to interactive virtual field trips.
L&L, 37(6), Retrieved from
The article “The Beginner’s Guide to Interactive Virtual Field Trips” is an article about ways that teachers can take their students on field trips without having to take them out of the classroom. The highlighted the benefits of using this form of learning, especially
during harsh budget times. There were two types of virtual field trips (VFT), Asynchronous and Interactive virtual field trips. Asynchronous VFT’s are videos that students can watch online that were previously taped. The interactive VFT’s are videos placed online to
allow students to watch in real time. Though both options provided their own pros and cons, they both provide a alternative way for students to engage with world.
Would students learn more on a virtual Field trip than a physical field trip?
I believe students could have the opportunity to learn more on an asynchronous VFT because there are many more elements that could be implemented into the presentation, there for allowing the students to learn more.
What other benefits would we get from VFT’s besides saving on budgets?
The benefits are limitless because the students would have access to all corners of the world. They could have dialogues about class projects, cultural difference, and many other engaging activities. On the other hand though, I don’t think either option could take the place of being there in person.
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