
Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Journal #1 Computing in the clouds

Johnson, D. (2009-2010). Computing in the Clouds. L&L, 37(4), Retrieved from

This was a very interesting article. Computing in the clouds? It’s a referenced used to explain working on documents, power points, email, web searching, and pretty much everything else all using an online network. This would mean that there would be no need for flash drives, external hard drives to keep our information on when using computers. This type of option is very convenient for people on the run, who have to work on things to-go both individually and collaboratively. Over all, cloud based computing is also very coast effective. When using the online network such as Google docs, one wouldn’t have to pay for all the software upgrades and add-on for suites like Microsoft. They could just us similar software that could be accessed from anywhere, all for free.

Furthermore, the ability to cut down on the need for more apps and software, would mean we as consumers wouldn’t need to invest in these expensive, large hard drive, desktop and laptops. I personally think this would be very resourceful, and convenient both as a student and worker. I could always have access to my files and personal information.

What are some ways teachers could utilize these technologies?

Some creative ways that teachers could use this technology would to simply have all the students work transferred to Google docs. Their assignments, projects, and even class work could all be incorporated into this online network. No more… I left my work at school! Also, more so for educators, they could start using online books for curriculum. This would allow students to go even farther in terms of productivity, along with not having to carry all those books.

How would I see myself using the technology?

I could see myself using this technology in a variety of ways in all areas of my life. Education wise, I could throw away my flash drive, or as I like to say sometimes “the cuffs”. I would be able to move between my home and school computer without having to worry about which document is the most up to date. This would also be true in my work life. I am a case worker in social services, which requires me to keep many case files for clients and projects. I would be able to have access to all these things, and more, just by computing in the clouds.

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